Copernicus 101

Copernicus Activities!

Copernicus CrossWord!

2. Who did Copernicus dedicate his book to
6. Who believed in Copernicus' theory
8. What kept Copernicus from publishing his discoveries
9. What is the center of the geocentric theory
10. What was the theory Ptolemy created
1. Who proved Copernicus correct
3. What was the theory Copernicus created
4. What University did Copernicus first attend
5. What University did Copernicus make his first astronomical observation
7. With the heliocentric theory the ____ is the center


A New Opinion of the Stars

     To understand astronomy you must first study the stars,
 including planets such as Mercury, Venus, and Mars. 
 The first theory of astronomy would later be proven wrong,
 when a young man named Copernicus fortunately came along.
 “The Earth is the center,” everyone would say, until it was later
determined that the sun was the way.  Copernicus was a wise man
for his time, for he could study the stars and understand how they
 align.  Copernicus knew that for his theory to have a chance,
 he would have to overcome the church’s stubborn stance.
  Overcoming old beliefs is not an easy thing to do, especially
 when your theory will be looked at as controversial and new.
  Fear from the church would delay publishing his theory for so
 long, that it would not be accepted until long after he was gone.